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War is a dead end


Originally I chose this poem because it was by Wilfred Owen, whom I know opposes the way soldiers were depicted in the general public. This was the kind of perspective I wanted to have in my website.


It’s ironic that in the scheme of things, wars are fought to improve quality of life. Yet the life of those who are fighting is reduced to that described in the piece. The advantages of fighting a war do not merit the suffering caused by it.

I believe that war is an embodiment of many flaws in the human condition. The sheer horror and suffering in war is effectively conveyed by Wilfred Owen. I think that the people who benefit from war are separate from those who have to fight in it.


"I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"         -Albert Einstein


Written from the perspective of a shell-shocked victim of WWI, i chose this poem because it juxtaposes most stereotypes of soldiers at the time (because I'm such a rebel). Owen recognised that and opposed the public image of the brave and heroic soldier.

It’s ironic that in the scheme of things, wars are fought to improve quality of life. Yet the life of those who are fighting is reduced to that described in the piece. The advantages of fighting a war do not merit the suffering caused by it.


In this website I have chosen to eliminate colours when possible. This is to give it a very grey-washed look in order to reflect the dark and macabre imagery in the poem.

A bit of history


Owen (18 Mar 1893 â€“ 4 Nov 1918) was a brittish poet and soldier in the first world war.

He was killed in action exactly one week before the signing of the versailles treaty at the age of 25.

Owen is regared by many to be the greatest poet of the first world war.

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